Where we unite to #EndTB!

​​​​​​​​​Action Alerts

How to Contact Your Members of Congress
Call the Capitol Switchboard at 1-202-224-3121 and ask for your senator/representative or give your state if you do not know their name. When you are connected to an office, ask for the Health Legislative Assistant. If you leave a voicemail message, include your name, phone number, and email so that they can respond. See sample messages and actions below!

Ask your Representative to sign the E-Dear Colleague letter by Rep. Berra in support of the End Tuberculosis Now Act of 2022 (S. 3386/H.R. 8654)

This bipartisan legislation encourages domestic agencies to align TB control efforts in the United States with global efforts and actions. The End TB Now Act will prioritize U.S. tuberculosis response to target the diagnosis and treatment of adults and children with TB and to prevent new TB infections in countries with high burdens of TB. TB anywhere is TB everywhere - domestic and international efforts must work collaboratively to #EndTBView the full legislationa fact sheet from RESULTS​, and a one-page fact sheet

On August 5th, 2022, Representatives Ami Bera, M.D. (D-CA) and María Elvira Salazar (R-FL) introduced the End Tuberculosis Now Act of 2022 to strengthen U.S. efforts to eliminate tuberculosis (TB) worldwide. Contact your two U.S. senators and one Representative now (three quick calls)!

Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Todd Young (R-IN) introduced companion legislation in the Senate as well - call and say thank you! 

Sample message: I am a constituent from (your town) and I am calling to urge Sen./Rep.___ to co-sponsor the End Tuberculosis Now Act of 2022. The bill outlines a plan and critical actions to align tuberculosis efforts in the U.S. with international efforts. TB, an airborne infectious disease, was the leading global infectious disease killer prior to COVID-19, and when the COVID pandemic is muted, TB will be the leading infectious killer once again. TB cases are rising across the globe. The End TB Now Act will amplify our ability to end TB as a public health threat. I urge Sen./Rep. ___ to cosponsor this very important bill. Thank you for your consideration.

​Get your Senators & Representative to co-sponsor the Comprehensive TB Elimination Act of 2021 (S.2586/H.R.5857)

bill has also been introduced in the U.S. Senate and in the House of Representatives to support domestic TB programs and create policies that will allow us to finally achieve TB elimination in the U.S.! Contact your two U.S. senators and one U.S. Representative now (you can add this request to your three calls from above)!

Sen. Brown (D-OH) has introduced the Comprehensive TB Elimination Act of 2021 (S. 2586) in the U.S. Senate for senators to co-sponsor and Rep. Bera (D-CA-7) has introduced it in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The bill outlines a comprehensive strategy for how the U.S. can achieve TB elimination. New tools, information regarding special populations such as pediatrics, new studies and reports, special attention to access, and authorization to increase spending ceilings for domestic TB activities are all included.
A special thanks to the other original co-sponsors: Sens. Blumenthal (D-CT), Klobuchar (D-MN), Van Hollen (D-MD), and Markey (D-MA) and in the House of Representatives: Reps. Bera (D-CA-7) and Young (R-AK-At Large) If they are your member of Congress – just call and say, “Thank you!!!”

Sample message:
 I am a constituent from (your town) and I am calling to urge Sen./Rep._-- to co-sponsor the Comprehensive TB Elimination Act of 2021, S.2586/H.R.5857. The bill outlines a plan and critical actions to achieve tuberculosis elimination in the U.S. TB, an airborne infectious disease, was the leading global infectious disease killer prior to COVID, and when the COVID pandemic is halted, TB will be the leading infectious killer once again. In the US, every state continues to report TB cases annually, and cases are rising in many states. Most states have also reported cases of drug-resistant TB, which is very difficult and expensive to treat. I urge Sen./Rep. __- to cosponsor this very important bill. Thank you for your consideration.

Additional Information:

  • Current 2021 funding for CDC’s domestic TB program is $135 million.
  • CDC’s domestic TB program has been flat-funded (same amount, not adjusted for inflation) every year for almost 10 years, which means significantly reduced funding for state TB programs.
  • Increased funding for domestic TB programs is desperately needed as TB resources were largely redirected to the COVID-19 response, resulting in missed TB diagnoses and growing evidence of increased TB deaths, while caseloads are increasing with the emergency Afghan and Ukrainian arrivals.

Thank you for your action!

See how to take more actions to support domestic and global health
We need Congress to speak up. Even as we deal with the continuing acute effects of a still-raging pandemic, we must look ahead to recovery. We must enact longer-term funding of initiatives like global TB treatment and prevention efforts. Click here or on the button below, scroll down to the appropriate "action" box, and take an easy action from your home/desk! The American Public Health Association also has an easy online action option requesting Congress increase funding for public health infrastructure here.

Thanks to all who called their Senators to sign the bipartisan Brown/Young Letter to support increased TB funding

​Thanks to all who called or emailed their Senators to sign the bipartisan letter that called for robust funding for global TB programs!! 

Sens. Brown (D-OH) and Young (R-IN) are circulating a “Dear Colleague” letter in the U.S. Senate for senators to sign on to in support of robust funding for TB programs. We need as many senators as possible to sign the letter. The Brown/Young letter is here.

See more TB basics and advocacy toolkits from TAG here.

More Ways to Get Involved

First Step: 

  1. Join the Friends of Stop TB USA
  2. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn @StopTBUSA


Tuberculosis Elimination Caucus - U.S. House of Representatives

Send a letter to your Representative, or call and leave a voice message today, asking that they please join the TB Elimination Caucus in the House of Representatives.

The Tuberculosis Elimination Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives was formed in March of 2012 by Representatives Engel (D-NJ), Green (D-TX) and Young (R-AK). A caucus is an informal grouping of legislators which can help rally interest and enthusiasm on an issue of mutual concern, by sponsoring briefings, initiating letters and inquiries, and more.  You can help to grow the membership of this caucus by sending a letter to your Representatives asking that they join this very important caucus.

  1. First, check the list below to see if your Representative is already a member on the Caucus. If your Representative is on this list, then you can email them to thank them for joining and their service on such an important topic.

  2. If your Representative is not on the list below, please email or call to request they join.

Click here for a list of current TB Caucus Members                                  U.S. Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121

 Stop TB USA

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