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The concept and need for Stop TB USA, originally the National Coalition for the Elimination of TB (NCET), was identified in June of 1991 at a meeting where the American Thoracic Society (ATS), American Lung Association (ALA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) met to discuss emerging challenges to TB control and the resurgence of TB.

As a result of that meeting, in January of 1992 NCET, an all voluntary organization, was organized with 58 founding members from public health, health care, professional medical organizations and staff from Congressional Health committees of jurisdiction. The ATS provided support to NCET and facilitated the coordination of its limited work plan and administration when grant funding ended in the mid-90s. In January of 2001, a voluntary Executive Director, John Seggerson, a TB advocate since 1965, was selected to provide consistent support to the Steering Committee.

In 2007, recognizing the need to collaborate within the broader global TB elimination movement, NCET members agreed to transition to Stop TB USA, the US partner within the global Stop TB Partnership at the World Health Organization.

In 2012, initial funding to support Stop TB USA infrastructure and development was received from the CDC and a new Executive Director, Sue Etkind, R.N., MS, was hired. Sue is a nationally recognized TB expert and leader who has an extensive background in TB control, including work with the Stop TB USA Partnership and serving as past Director of the Massachusetts TB Division.





Where we unite to #EndTB!