March 2024


  • World TB Day 2024 Materials
  • March 14 Hill Day Phonathon 
  • Extended conference and opportunity listings

February 2024


  • New feature: TB Bookshelf reviews Black Angels
  • ​CDC Fact Sheet in Tagalog and Vietnamese
  • Bone product contamination study from CDC-DTBE
  • Call for callers for END TB Now Act

May 2024


  • US Appropriations Committee Asks
  • April 14 Hill Day Recap
  • Incidence Report Updates
  • TB Bookshelf: Living in the Shadow of Death

January 2024


  • TB featured in CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
  • ​Notes from California's TB drug shortages
  • New CDC TB Fact Sheet
  • StopTB USA bids farewell to intern Jolie Black

April 2024


  • Report on TB numbers from the CDC
  • March 14 Hill Day Recap, April Hill Day planning
  • Call to action with extended phone script, asks
  • TB Bookshelf: Breathing Room, ​a YA novel

TB Wire Archives: 20222023

June 2024


  • New CDC Website
  • Welcome to new board members
  • Congratulations to STOP TB Partnership's Brenda Waning
  • TB Bookshelf: Saving Sickly Children

TB Wire 2024 Archive